
Kôryûji is a temple in western Kyoto on the way to Arashiyama and Tenryuji. The temple was founded in the 7th century and is rumored to be the oldest temple in the Kyoto area, but most of the buildings date back to the 17th century. The temple is most noted for its statues, many dating back to the temple's foundation. Of all the statues inside, and there are a lot, the most noted are two wooden statues of the Bodhisattva Miroku. Miroku, also referred to as the future Buddha, is a Bodhisattva who is depicted in a seated position in a manner of contemplation. And that is his job. He thinks. Specifically though, he is trying to figure out how to make every living being on earth enlightened so that we all may release ourselves from the burden of reincarnation and can be at peace. When he does figure this out, he will become the new Buddha. Because of this, he is the Future Buddha in the Buddha triad of past, present, and future. Specifically, the statue of Miroku called Hokan-Miroku, is a very important statue because it was the first item recognized by the Japanese government as a National Treasure. All of that being said, there are more than just a few statues at Kôryûji and they all occupy significant and beautiful spots in the vast history of Japanese art.

For the casual: 8. For the educated: 10.

Kôryûji is not a temple that many people get around to. Sure it doesn't have many of the draws of later and grander temples in Japan, but none the less this is one of the more important and beautiful temples in the Kyoto area. The landscape is small and secluded, so on a purely visual basis the temple is not that interesting, but if you're willing to spend the money to go inside, I suspect that you will enjoy the temple as much as I do. Photographs are forbidden inside the statue hall, so sadly you'll have to find pictures of the statues yourself, but it is such a beautiful place and I do look forward to going back. The smell of incense and ancient wood is just too perfect to be imagined, it must be experienced.

Ceremony first thing in the morning on New Years.

Ceremony first thing in the morning on New Years.



Hôryûji. Where do you begin? One of the oldest temples in Japan? Check. UNESCO World Heritage Site? Check. Home of the oldest wooden structures in the WORLD?!?! Check. Hôryûji was founded at the turn of the 7th century by Prince Shotoku, known for being the author of one of Japan's first constitutions, reopening trade with China, adopting Chinese customs and technology, and propagating Buddhism through the construction of temples across Japan. The temple is one of the Three Great Temples of Nara alongside Todaiji and Kofukuji. The temple's oldest structures are the Chumon, Five-story Pagoda, and Kondo Main Hall which date back to some point in the Asuka Period (6th to 8th century C.E.), the period that predates the monarch of Japan using the title of "emperor". The five-story pagoda was taken apart in WWII for fear of fire bombings and was put together once again after the conflict had concluded.

For the casual: 10. For the educated: 10.

So. You're in Nara huh? Looking for something to do? Looking for a place to go? Well look no further. Sure Hôryûji isn't in the same place as all those other temples, but that's why it's great! Nara Park is a tourist trap with hungry deer waiting for you to drop your guard. Pshh no one needs to go there anyways, unless of course you're visiting Todaiji, the only temple I have rated 11/10. Otherwse... ok I take that all back, but still! Hôryûji is amazing. Talk about touching history, check this place out!

Ok first is the West Precinct. The West Precinct is home to the three oldest buildings mentioned earlier. Inside are some of the oldest Buddhist depictions in Japanese history. Though the Chumon gate is undergoing restoration over the next few years, the Kondo and pagoda are open for visit. Visitors can look into the pagoda for scenes from the Buddha's life carved into wood and to the Kondo main hall so see statues also dating from the Asuka period. At the north end of the precinct is the lecture hall where visitors can see the changes of Japanese Buddhist art from the Asuka period to the Heian period (9th to late 12th century C.E.).

That not enough for you? After the West Precinct you can go next door to the Gallery of Temple Treasures which holds anything and everything that the temple has been in charge of protecting be it tapestries, lacquer-ware, statues, or vessels. Almost everything in the gallery is an Important Cultural Item as decreed by the government with more than a few being recognized as National Treasures.

The East Precinct is is honor of Prince Shotoku with its own hexagonal hall called the Hall of Visions. Inside is a life size statue of Prince Shotoku with Buddhas and Bodhisattvas surrounding him.

I will pass on to you the same shame that was bestowed upon me by my friend and favorite art history professor, "You didn't go to Hôryûji? Brennan. There's no excuse for that." And with that, make sure you visit this temple.

The Kondo (left), Five-story Pagoda (right), and Chumon (center) under construction are the three oldest wooden structures in the world.

The Kondo (left), Five-story Pagoda (right), and Chumon (center) under construction are the three oldest wooden structures in the world.

The Lecture Hall, not one of the oldest, but still a very old building all the same.

The Lecture Hall, not one of the oldest, but still a very old building all the same.


Enryakuji (Hiezan)

Founded at the end of the 8th century, Enryakuji is one of the most important temples in the history of Japanese Buddhism as it sits near the top of Mt. Hie (Hiezan) which straddles the boundary of Kyoto and Shiga Prefectures. Enryakuji is the most prominent temple of the traditional Tendai sect of Buddhism and at one time it was in command of over 3,000 sub-temples and an army of warrior monks. The Hiezan monks were responcible for burning down rival monasteries, fighting feudal lords for control over surrounding areas, and even taking on famed warlords like Oda Nobunaga. Ultimately they lost against Nobunaga and his forces when he burned the temple grounds in 1571 and were later closely watched by Toyotomi Hideyoishi and the subsequent Tokugawa shogunate. Because of Nobunaga, almost every building in the Enryakuji complex dates back no later than the 17th century in the Edo period.

For the casual: 5. For the educated: 5.

To be completely honest, I was underwhelmed by Enryakuji. As a history major, Enryakuji and the warrior monks of Hiezan pop up fairly often. New temple? Burn it to the ground. Warlord expanding territory? Back off buddy. They're so common in Japanese history that I tend to see them and the Tendai sect in general as being rather obnoxious and intolerant. But this is the mothership, the biggest and greatest, the biggest pain in the butt possible! And yet I couldn't have cared less.

When refreshing my history on the temple and even reading some other posts about it, they kept referencing the same things about why they liked it. "It's so serene and peaceful!" Yeah, I guess it is, but no more than most of the other places I wrote about, and it would be a lot more serene if I wasn't fighting people for a goshuin. "The history is truly humbling." I call BS on that. This may just be my education butting in on these matters, but again, the Hiezan history is nothing that I would describe as being very Buddhist. The temple is very grand, but some may not know that Hiezan, the mountain itself, is an auspicious landmark which has been looked upon with great reverence by the people of Kyoto for thousands of years. In addition, I find that the most humbling temples are the ones truly hidden away, not standing over the Kyoto area and receiving generous donations from the noble families below.

The two things I truly give to Enryakuji are the views and the transportation (at least getting to the temple). Hiezan stands out from the surrounding mountains and a short hike from the complex to the summit gives visitors a breathtaking view of the Kansai plain. On the day I was there in mid-Autumn, I could see from the northern mountains of Kyoto Prefecture to the skyscrapers of Osaka and Kobe (a rarity to be sure). The sights and sounds of the woods were also extremely welcome as they reminded me of the redwoods of home. Here and there little stone Buddhas and Bodhisattvas adorned the trails, fire roads, and trees to the summit.

The transportation bothered me. I took a bus from Gion to Hiezan, which was naturally packed full of people considering the time of year I was there. It was uncomfortable but not unexpected. The bad part was trying to get back down. Though there are city buses dropping off visitors at Hiezan almost one every ten minutes, there is only one regular sized city bus taking people back every hour. Result? Waiting in a line for two hours to get back down the mountain. That doesn't sound too bad, more uncomfortable than bad, but let me just remind you, or inform you if you don't know, that Kyoto is not known for its mild weather. It's pretty much either super hot or super cold. This day was super cold and I hated every moment of it. I had Sophie's line from "Howl's Moving Castle" stuck in my head. "It's so cold! I'm fatter than ever but the wind blows right through me!" There are other ways to get up and down the mountain which is wonderful. All I can say is DON'T TAKE THE BUS!!!

All in all, the temple was fine. I'm not sure if I'll ever want to take the day trip up there again considering how much of a pain it was. The way I see it: if it's the temple's history you're after then go for it; it's a beautiful temple with lots of stories to tell. If you're just going to see one of any number of temples in the Kyoto area, then you'd be better off spending your time and money somewhere else. If you're reading this then you've at least gotten an idea of how many places I've been to prior to going to Hiezan. I'm a bunka otaku (culture nerd), what can I say? But honestly, this complex never wowed me. Maybe I was expecting too much. Maybe my standards are too high considering a temple of this magnitude. At the end of the day, I'm not thinking fondly of my time at Enryakuji and I'm not planning my next visit anytime soon.

The Amida Hall and Pagoda.

The Amida Hall and Pagoda.

Some of the graves behind the temple complex.

Some of the graves behind the temple complex.


Higashi and Nishi Honganji (Hongwanji)

Nishi and Higashi (West and East respectively) Honganji are a pair of sister temples located in the heart of Kyoto. Though the buildings were built in the late 16th early 17th centuries, they were once a single temple that was constantly relocated throughout time. Originally built as a temple to house the cremated remains of monk Shinran Shonin (1173-1263), the founder of the Jodo Shinshu sect of Buddhism, the temple and the cremated remains were moved periodically around the Kyoto and Osaka areas. Sometimes the temple would be burned down due to succession disputes, wars boiling over, and even by other temples like Enryakuji feeling threatened by the growing success of the Honganji temple.

In 1591 Toyotomi Hideyoshi, a supporter of the Honganji temple, moved Honganji from Osaka to its present location in Kyoto. However, a succession dispute arose following the death of the 11th head monk Kennyo. The fight was between the eldest son Kyonyo and the third son Junnyo. The tension arose from sides taken in the Ishiyama War between Honganji and its backers vs Oda Nobunaga and his forces. Oda wanted the temple site in Osaka for its strategic position and the temple said no. Pretty simple. After 10 years of fighting, head monk Kennyo agreed to reconcile with Oda, but eldest son Kyonyo wanted to continue the resistance. After Oda was assassinated in 1582, his general, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, took control and unified Japan. That's when he donated the land and helped the temple move. So when Kennyo died, Kyonyo assumed the title of the 12th head monk as eldest son, but upon officiation of Kennyo's will as done by Toyotomi, the title of head monk was instead passed to the third son Junnyo. Later still in 1602, Kyonyo would build his own temple on a plot of land donated by future shogun and founder of the Edo period, Tokugawa Ieyasu. The plot of land was only a few blocks east of the original temple. As time passed, Junnyo's temple, the original Honganji, was renamed Nishi Honganji, and the second temple founded by Kyonyo was named Higashi Honganji. Both prospered significantly and are home to National Treasures as well as Important Cultural Items.

For the casual: 9. For the educated: 9.

For all you history nerds out there, isn't this great? This is one temple, split in two, in the heart of Kyoto, supported by two of the Three Great Unifiers, fought against the other one, burned down by them Hiezan screwballs, and yet kept collecting and focusing massive amounts of support from patrons despite being burned down, moved, burned again, moved, and finally turned into a newt which got better. I mean really! If you ever wanted a bit of drama in your life look no further. And what's better? They're friggin’ beautiful!!! The feel of the wood under your feet, the large lecture halls, the exquisite carved figures, cast iron fountains, etc. I could go on but I won't. Well, that's a lie because I totally will! Anyways, Nishi and Higashi Honganji are the answers to the prayers of those who really want to see an important institution in the Kyoto area with breathtaking beauty but is devoid of crowds. I mean really! If you're like me but you haven't been here then shame on you. This is one of the best kept secrets in Kyoto. It's so well kept I'm confident I can write about this as much as I want and the crowds still won't get any larger! Ok, that's also partially because I'm pretty sure I'm the only person reading my own posts, but hey! I get to re-live some of my best experiences writing this all out.

Funny thing, these temples are SUPER similar. So first, they both pretty much follow the same teachings: when you die you call out the name of Amida Buddha who picks you up in his heavenly stretch limo filled with his everlasting squad of Bodhisattvas, Immortals, and other supporting cast to take you to the Pureland in the West (based on the Chinese Daoist "Western Paradise") where the dead can find enlightenment in a karmically pure land. Oh, and they thank the monk Shinran for totally telling everyone about this in Japan. Anyways, the difference is that Higashi Honganji is more extreme with its views and that's pretty much it. But it's not just teachings that are practically identical, it's also the temple structures. The first time I was visiting these temples one of them was under construction so it was really clear that I had gone to Nishi Honganji (no construction) and then Higashi Honganji (totes construction). But visiting with my friend again a few weeks ago, I couldn't tell which temple I was at. Without the construction, THE LAYOUT IS EXACTLY THE SAME!!!!! Even writing this I've had to go back through my photos and my notes to figure out which temple I am actually looking at because I really cannot tell the difference. All I can say is that I translated the comment-card sign at Higashi Honganji into English and when I came back they were using it, so you’re welcome heathens!!! MUAHAHAHA!!!

Upside: these temples are super close to Tôji and Kyoto station so it's very easy to get there though not by public transportation (I recommend walking). Downside: no goshuin so don't expect to find any. Upside: they sell incense that smells amazingly good. I bought myself a box and I'm not done yet!!! Downside: . . . I can't think of one right now. . .

Higashi Honganji

Higashi Honganji

Nishi Honganji

Nishi Honganji