Miyagi-ken Gokoku Jinja
I’ve written about these shrines in the past and the Miyagi Gokoku Jinja is no different. This shrine is a branch of the Yasukuni Jinja in central Tokyo, dedicated to honoring those who paid the ultimate sacrifice in survice to the safety and security of the nation. It’s a shrine that deserves our respect regardless of political ideologies.
For the casual: 4. For the educated: 4.
There’s not much to share about this shrine. There’s one in each prefecture honoring its citizens and this one is for Miyagi Prefecture. It’s not a shrine that I think people would seek out on their own, but considering it’s on the Sendai Castle grounds, most people will at least walk by it. The one feature which stood out to me was the good luck gourds which you can purchase and write wishes on. There’s a belief that a wish has a higher chance of coming true if you blow it into the gourd. Needless to say, these are not real gourds but wood which has been turned into gourd shape and is not actually hollow, but the sentiment still remains. By blowing your wish into the gourd then leaving it at the shrine, you are effectively entrusting your wish to the gods of the shrine.