Originally built as a larger temple complex by order of Tokugawa Ieyasu, Zenkokuji caught fire and the whole complex burned down except for the hall devoted to Bishamonten, one of the Seven Gods of Fortune, and one of the Heavenly Kings which guard Buddhas and Bodhisattva while they work. This was taken as a sign and the current Zenkokuji was renovated to house the statue of Bishamonten.
For the casual: 7. For the educated: 4.
The attraction to Zenkokuji is more than just the temple. The temple itself is fairly small but very beautiful. The main attraction is the surrounding neighborhood which is just west of Iidabashi Station on Waseda Dori (Waseda Street). Great little shops which cater to tourists but are of much better quality than those found in areas like Shinjuku and Shibuya.