Engakuji (Kamakura Gozan #2)
Number two of the Kamakura Gozan (refer to Kenchôji for explanation), it was founded in 1292 by Hôjô Tokimune, the 8th Regent Lord of Japan. It was constructed to commemorate all the loses, both Japanese and Mongol, in the Mongol invasions of 1274 and 1281.
For the casual: 8. For the educated: 9.
Engakuji is one of the most beautiful complexes I've been to. It's hidden up a small hill and embraced by great trees which keep it cool, shaded, and secluded from the rest of the world. The architecture is outstanding and the gardens are intimate and lush. A great place to go towards the end of the day with a setting sun's light filtering through tree leaves.
If you walk over, you’ll likely be a little tired, but after visiting the temple, walk down the road a litte further and there’s a train station and cafe which should help make things a little more comfortable for you.